Red Bark Burning No. 2 | oil, charcoal, chalk pastel and graphite on canvas | 36 x 60

Since creating Biophilia (2020), I have brought the essence of that installation back to canvas. During the summer and fall of 2020, I was filled with urgency as our country faced the challenges from a global health pandemic, racial reckoning and devastating wildfires. Feeling these crises as a blaze of red, I worked with potent, messy materials to express a sense of wildness in my mark-making. In nature, fire is an integral agent of change, clearing out ecosystems to create space for new life. We are living in a world still fighting against itself, to wake up and preserve the very thing that makes life possible. And so that urgency reverberates within me.

Red Bark Burning No. 1 | oil, charcoal, chalk pastel and graphite on canvas | 36 x 60 | Private collection


Bark Installations

